Emily M. Olson, co-founder of ReGenFriends, will be presenting key consumer insights at the 2019 Textile Sustainability Conference into the enormous market opportunity awaiting brands and manufacturers, as well as farmers, producers, designers, retailers and fashionistas in a regenerative economy.
Wednesday, October 16 2019; 2:30-3:45pm
Session 2F: “Kickstarting Sustainability and the Journey to Regenerative Agriculture”
In this session, we will discuss the journey with a focus on #regenerative practices. Starting from conventional to transitional, organic and ultimately #regenerative practices.
The session will look at ways to move from ”doing less harm” to “maximizing the positive impacts”. Learn from farmers, successful brands and initiatives to discover how you can implement a strong sourcing strategy for cotton that will deliver the impacts needed deliver on the Sustainable Development Goals.
Regenerative business systems meet 12 of the 17 UN SDG's. #2 (zero hunger), #3 (good health), #6 (clean water), #7 (clean energy), #8 (decent work/economic growth), #9 (innovation), #11 (sustainable communities), #12 (responsible consumption/production), #13 (climate action), #14 (life below water), #15 (life on land), #17 (partnerships. Resilience precedes Sustainability. #ReGenGlobalChallenge #BillionPersonMovement #NoTimeToWaste #ReGenForTheNextGen
2019 Textile Sustainability Conference
October 15–18, 2019 • Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada